Travel Blog

Introduction to Annapurna Base Camp

Goto Nepal

Introduction to Annapurna Base Camp
Let us provide you a short introduction to Annapurna Base Camp so that you would reap more from your visit there. Have you ever imagined icy and rocky walls thousands of feet in height? Perhaps you remember Game of Thrones! Imagine it in this way, how would you will if you are surrounded by such walls, under floating clouds, backed up by forests full of pines and rhododendron? There you are! You can compare that experience with ABC. To arrive at ABC you will pass through villages inhabited by Gurungs, through ups and downs of off the beaten trail. Trekking to ABC isn't much difficult,...

Fitness level required to trek to Annapurna Base Camp

Goto Nepal

​Fitness level required to trek to Annapurna Base Camp
Trek to Annapurna Base Camp isn't much difficult, neither does it demand greater level of fitness. Even if you don't have much experience, or no experience at all, in trekking you will not face much physical difficulty. In addition to regular safety compliance, all you need to do is drink plenty of water, don't be in rush, have hygienic and nutritious food, give body sufficient time to acclimatize before reaching ABC, and stay warm. If you can do these, cheers! ABC is waiting for you! A minimum level of fitness and standard safety compliance offer this trek to you. The only major...

Annapurna circuit without guide

Goto Nepal

Annapurna circuit without guide—can you do it on your own?
Trekking Annapurna circuit without guide isn't impossible, but you might want to weigh the advantages and disadvantages with trek with and without guide. Often, after due evaluation of pros and cons, you will have to struggle between what you want and what you can. If you are wondering about whether you can do it on your own, the answer is: Yes, you can. But, the more important question is: do you want to do it on your own? What factor you prioritize will affect your decision. Let's talk about how you can do it on your own. During high season you will find lots of trekkers, but in...

View from top of Mount Everest

Goto Nepal

View from top of Mount Everest
Through floating clouds, from the roof of the entire world, when you look down, deep snows fills the view from the top of Mount Everest and you wonder about a long struggle of descending down. The longest sight you can enjoy from the top is about 340 km in 360 degree that would cover 363,000 square km of area. Climbing Mount Everest is a life time adventure and opportunity, but one has to be capable of adjusting in severe weather condition, high altitude, and exhaustion. It is risky: your body cannot heal if get bruises, you may not have sufficient oxygen and the whole expedition may look...

Langtang Valley Trek without Guide

Goto Nepal

Langtang Valley Trek without Guide
Langtang valley trek without guide can be a good alternative for trekkers who do not have plenty of time, as it is near from the Kathmandu Valley. Solo traveling means exploring more during the travel, which, either can be overwhelming or rich in fun. You may not encounter much difficulty, as you will also find lots of other solo travelers in this route in solo travel. It's not dangerous without a guide, and with knowledge of very basic Nepali language, you might see how the local people in the way will be delighted and thrilled to support you. Despite the technical considerations of...
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